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The gbssys... commands Bottom Doc. Button

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gbssysbuild, gbssysmake, gbssysaudit and gbssystool Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Blank Down Chapter Button Blank

The gbssys... commands are used to perform actions involving more than one SubSystem.

gbssysbuild   is used to generate a whole or part of a whole System
gbssysmake   is used to 'make' a whole or part of a whole System
gbssysaudit   is used to audit a whole or part of a whole System
gbssystool   is used run a tool on the whole or part of a whole System

These commands will perform their functions over various SubSystems in the appropriate order and allows extra steps to be executed.
It is also possible to generate a number of SubSystems selectively.
The generations steps, their required order and allowed options are defined in the steps.gbs file (in $GBS_SYS_PATH).
Execution will be performed in the batch and the output is logged in a log-file.


gbssys...  [ steps ] [ GBS-options ] [ APP-options ] [ GBS-env-variables ] [ other_gbs_options ]
Specifies the names of the steps to be executed
The stepnames are defined in the steps.gbs file.
If no steps are specified, all steps are assumed.
The '-' can be used to specify 'from - to' steps. It must be surrounded by spaces.
An empty 'from' specifies 'from the first'
An empty 'to' specifies 'to and including the last'
E.g.: step1 - step3 step6 step8 step9 -
-→ step1 step2 step3 step6 step8 step9 step10 step11 ... stepnn

Contain an '='.
Standard GBS-options:
BUILD =...
FLAGS_src_type =...

Contain an '=' As defined in the sys.gbs file

Any assignment that starts with GBS_ is considered a request to define a (temporary) GBS environment-variable with that value.
e.g. GBS_FLAGS_MAKE="-u" will set the GBS_FLAGS_MAKE Environment Variable to the specified value for the duration on the command.

LOG files Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Blank Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

.log files

Log files are written to $GBS_LOG_PATH, which unless defined in switch.gbs points to $GBS_LOG_ROOT/$GBS_SYSTEM_PARENT.
For each run 2 to 3 files will be generated:

The logfile_name

packed-num-date-time := YYYYMMDD-hhmmss
E.g.: gbssysaudit_mingw_pclint_20150214-12:00:00

The .log.sum file

This file contains a summary of the .log file.
It is a fixed-format file. One item per line.
Its layout will never change. Although new items may be added at the end, before the <<EOF>>.
This file can be used for your own tooling to extract information from the run.
jobname : gbssysbuild gbssysmake gbssysaudit gbssystool'
build_or_tool :
uname : computer name and id
os_root_spec : $GBS_SYSTEM_PATH
os_logfile_spec : $GBS_LOG_PATH/$jobname_$build_$audit_$datetime.log
time_start : YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
time_end : YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
time_diff : hhh:mm:ss
timer_diff : "$clock $cpu_system $cpu_user $cpu_all" in seconds
rc : Return Code (Numeric. 0 == OK)
audit : or '-'
date_time : YYMMDD-hhmmss as used in os_logfile_name
command_args : From the command-line
comment : From the command-line (--c=...)
<<EOF>> :

.html files

These are the Summary files resulting from gbsaudit and not from gbssysaudit