command --h | will give you short help | ||
command --h option... | will give you short help on the specified option(s) | ||
command --help | will give you more extensive help | ||
command --help option... | will give you long help on the specified option(s) | ||
--verbose[+|-] | Extensive logging messages if '' or '+' Always '+' in BATCH jobs (gbssys* commands) | ||
--inc file | will take the contents of file file as if it were typed on the commandline. Empty lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored. Multiple occurrence and nesting is allowed. |
| USERS string array optional | <empty> == current user Default= |
| do_all boolean scalar optional | Include all processes Default=0 |
| do_fg boolean scalar optional | Include parent (foreground) processes Default=0 |
| process_to_kill integer scalar optional | Kill specified process-tree Default= |
| nosystem boolean scalar optional | Do not implicitly swr to current System Default=0 |
| noroot boolean scalar optional | Do not implicitly swr to current System - kept for backward compatability Default=0 |
--nos+ | AND | --nor+ |
| comp_file_opts string array mandatory | src-files and AUDIT-options. ALL = *:*.* Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue auditing after error(s) Default=0 |
| show_stdout boolean scalar optional | Show errorlines (0 when not interactive) Default=1 |
| view_sum boolean scalar optional | View summary at completion Default=1 |
| audit_name string scalar optional choice: . $GBS_AUDITS | Audit to run Default=. |
| build_name string scalar optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | Build Environment Default=. |
| run_audit boolean scalar optional | Run audit Default=1 |
| run_summary boolean scalar optional | Create summary Default=1 |
| caller string scalar optional choice: gbsaudit gbssysaudit | Internal use. Default=gbsaudit |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max. nr. parallel jobs Default=2 |
(GBS_) APP_* |
| subsystems string array optional | Specific SubSystems Default= |
| max_missing integer scalar optional | Cancel SubSys check after this many missing files Default=20 |
| builds string array optional | (wild-)Builds to Build-Check. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default= |
| menu_entry_1 integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Primary menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| basic_filespec string scalar mandatory | file, ./file, rel_filespec, filespec or subdir:file Default= |
| editor_opt string scalar optional | Editor option. e.g. Line-nr to jump to Default= |
| no_checkout boolean scalar optional | By default files will also be added if non-exist Default=0 |
| quit boolean scalar optional | Do not setup the basic GBS functions Default=0 |
| export_file_locations string array optional | <Component>... and/or SUBSYS: . == Current Component. <empty> == <all> Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| cleanup_all boolean scalar optional | Delete all, independent from build Default=0 |
| show_actions boolean scalar optional | Show all actions Default=0 |
(GBS_) APP_* |
| comp_file_opts string array mandatory | src files to generate with 'generate' options. ALL = *:*.* Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation regardless of error(s) Default=0 |
| build_name string scalar optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | Build to run Default=. |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs Default=2 |
(GBS_) MAP | (GBS_) FLAGS_* | (GBS_) APP_* |
| test_mode boolean scalar optional | Run in test-mode Default=0 |
| geo string scalar optional | Start geometry - Internal use (width, height, x, y) Default=. |
| env_name string scalar mandatory | Env Variable to contain the filespec Default= |
| file string scalar mandatory | The file to search Default= |
| prefix string scalar mandatory | prefix string preceding all path-list elements. e.g: -I Default= |
| path-list string array mandatory | The directories to search preceded by <prefix> Default= |
| menu_entry_1 integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Primary menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_2 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | Secondary menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_3 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | 3rd menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_4 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | 4th menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_5 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | 5th menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| comp_file_opts string array optional | bld files to make with 'make' options. ALL = *:*.* Default= |
| reverse_type boolean scalar optional | Specify source-types instead of build-types Default=0 |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| build_name string scalar optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | Build to run Default=. |
| make_only boolean scalar optional | Run 'make' only (show make results) Default=0 |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs Default=2 |
(GBS_) MAP | (GBS_) FLAGS_* | (GBS_) APP_* |
| components string array optional | . == current component, <empty> == all Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| command string scalar mandatory choice: ? info state co ci unco mkdir mktxt add move get_ignore set_ignore remove import connect select | Basic SCM Command Default= |
| files string array optional | File / Directory List Default= |
| recursive boolean scalar optional | Add whole directory tree Default=0 |
| use_cache boolean scalar optional | Use cache Default=0 |
| menu_entry_1 integer scalar optional range: 1..5 | Primary Menu entry for immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_2 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | Secondary Menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_1 integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Primary menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_2 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | Secondary menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| menu_entry_3 integer scalar optional greater: 0 | 3rd menu entry for single immediate execution Default=0 |
| brief boolean scalar optional | Brief (short) listing Default=0 |
| create_index boolean scalar optional | Create the HTML Index Default=1 |
| create_summaries boolean scalar optional | Create the HTML Summaries Default=1 |
| view_index boolean scalar optional | View index in HTML browser Default=1 |
| no_create boolean scalar optional | No HTML Creation (forces --ci and --cs to '-') Default=0 |
--noc+ | AND | --ci+ or --cs+ |
| steps string array optional | Steps and/or Aliases. <empty> == all select steps, 'CUR', 'ALL' == force all steps, 'CUR', '?' == show steps Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| view_sum boolean scalar optional | View summary at completion Default=1 |
| audits string array optional choice: . $GBS_AUDITS | (wild-)Audits to run. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| builds string array optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | (wild-)Builds to Build. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| files string array optional | Files to audit Default=*:*.* |
| run_audit boolean scalar optional | Run audit Default=1 |
| run_summary boolean scalar optional | Create summary Default=1 |
| foreground boolean scalar optional | Runs in the foreground if set Default=0 |
| delay time ([+=]hh:mm or [+=]mm) or now) scalar optional | Starting time (10:20), delta (+10:10) or now Default=now |
| notify boolean scalar optional | Notify user on completion (bg/nowait only) Default=$GBS_NOTIFY |
| wait boolean scalar optional | Wait for completion of bg jobs Default=0 |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs within a submitted job Default=2 |
| comment string scalar optional | Comments - will be shown in Summary - Specify %20 for space Default= |
<steps> = ALL | AND | <steps> |
<steps> = CUR | AND | <steps> or --audits or --builds |
<steps> = ? | AND | <steps> |
--fg+ | AND | --at or --n+ or --wait+ |
--wait+ | AND | --n+ |
--sum- | AND | --vs+ |
(GBS_) LOG_PATH | (GBS_) FLAGS_* | (GBS_) APP_* |
| steps string array optional | Steps and/or Aliases. <empty> == all select steps, 'ALL' == force all steps, '?' == show steps Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| run_makemake boolean scalar optional | Run 'gbsmakemake' on completion of Full GBS SubSystems Default=1 |
| run_export boolean scalar optional | Run 'gbsexport' on completion Default=1 |
| builds string array optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | (wild-)Builds to Build. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| foreground boolean scalar optional | Runs in the foreground if set Default=0 |
| files string array optional | Files to build Default=*:*.* |
| delay time ([+=]hh:mm or [+=]mm) or now) scalar optional | Starting time (10:20), delta (+10:10) or now Default=now |
| notify boolean scalar optional | Notify user on completion (bg/nowait only) Default=$GBS_NOTIFY |
| wait boolean scalar optional | Wait for completion of bg jobs Default=0 |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs within a submitted job Default=2 |
| comment string scalar optional | Comments - will be shown in Summary - Specify %20 for space Default= |
<steps> = ALL | AND | <steps> |
<steps> = CUR | AND | <steps> or --builds |
<steps> = ? | AND | <steps> |
--fg+ | AND | --at or --n+ or --wait+ |
--wait+ | AND | --n+ |
(GBS_) OPT | (GBS_) MAP | (GBS_) FLAGS_* |
(GBS_) APP_* |
| steps string array optional | Steps and/or Aliases. <empty> == all select steps, 'CUR', 'ALL' == force all steps, '?' == show steps Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| start_makemake boolean scalar optional | Pre-generate the make-file Default=1 |
| run_makemake boolean scalar optional | Run 'gbsmakemake' on completion of Full GBS SubSystems Default=1 |
| run_export boolean scalar optional | Run 'gbsexport' on completion Default=1 |
| builds string array optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | (wild-)Builds to Build. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| files string array optional | Files to make Default=*:*.* |
| foreground boolean scalar optional | Runs in the foreground if set Default=0 |
| delay time ([+=]hh:mm or [+=]mm) or now) scalar optional | Starting time (10:20), delta (+10:10) or now Default=now |
| notify boolean scalar optional | Notify user on completion (bg/nowait only) Default=$GBS_NOTIFY |
| wait boolean scalar optional | Wait for completion of bg jobs Default=0 |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs within a submitted job Default=2 |
| comment string scalar optional | Comments - will be shown in Summary - Specify %20 for space Default= |
<steps> = ALL | AND | <steps> |
<steps> = CUR | AND | <steps> or --builds |
<steps> = ? | AND | <steps> |
--fg+ | AND | --at or --n+ or --wait+ |
--wait+ | AND | --n+ |
(GBS_) OPT | (GBS_) MAP | (GBS_) FLAGS_* |
(GBS_) APP_* |
| steps string array optional | Steps and/or Aliases. <empty> == all select steps, 'CUR', 'ALL' == force all steps, '?' == show steps Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| view_sum boolean scalar optional | View summary at completion Default=1 |
| tools string array optional choice: . $GBS_TOOLS | (wild-)Tools to execute. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| foreground boolean scalar optional | Runs in the foreground if set Default=0 |
| delay time ([+=]hh:mm or [+=]mm) or now) scalar optional | Starting time (10:20), delta (+10:10) or now Default=now |
| notify boolean scalar optional | Notify user on completion (bg/nowait only) Default=$GBS_NOTIFY |
| wait boolean scalar optional | Wait for completion of bg jobs Default=0 |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs within a submitted job Default=2 |
| comment string scalar optional | Comments - will be shown in Summary - Specify %20 for space Default= |
<steps> = ALL | AND | <steps> |
<steps> = CUR | AND | <steps> or --tools |
<steps> = ? | AND | <steps> |
--fg+ | AND | --at or --n+ or --wait+ |
--wait+ | AND | --n+ |
(GBS_) LOG_PATH | (GBS_) FLAGS_* | (GBS_) APP_* |
| steps string array optional | Steps and/or Aliases. <empty> == all select steps, 'ALL' == force all steps, '?' == show steps Default= |
| ignore_errors boolean scalar optional | Continue generation after error(s) Default=0 |
| view_sum boolean scalar optional | View summary at completion Default=1 |
| audits string array optional choice: . $GBS_AUDITS | (wild-)Audits to run. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| builds string array optional choice: . $GBS_BUILDS | (wild-)Builds to Build. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current Default=* |
| tools string array optional choice: . $GBS_TOOLS | (wild-)Tools to Execute. '' or '*' == All, '.' == Current, '-' == None Default=* |
| current boolean scalar optional | Sets --audits, --builds and --tools to '.' (current) Default=0 |
| files string array optional | Files to audit Default=*:*.* |
| make boolean scalar optional | Run gbssysmake instead of gbssysbuild Default=0 |
| foreground boolean scalar optional | Runs in the foreground if set Default=0 |
| delay time ([+=]hh:mm or [+=]mm) or now) scalar optional | Starting time (10:20), delta (+10:10) or now Default=now |
| notify boolean scalar optional | Notify user on completion (bg/nowait only) Default=$GBS_NOTIFY |
| wait boolean scalar optional | Wait for completion of bg jobs Default=0 |
| jobs integer scalar optional range: 1..9 | Max nr parallel jobs within a submitted job Default=2 |
| comment string scalar optional | Comments - will be shown in Summary - Specify %20 for space Default= |
<steps> = ALL | AND | <steps> |
<steps> = CUR | AND | <steps> or --audits or --builds or --tools |
<steps> = ? | AND | <steps> |
--current+ | AND | --audits or --builds or --tools |
--fg+ | AND | --at or --n+ or --wait+ |
--wait+ | AND | --n+ |
(GBS_) LOG_PATH | (GBS_) FLAGS_* | (GBS_) APP_* |
| system_spec string scalar mandatory | System: '-' == none, '.' == current, '!' == CWD, '!<abs_file/dir_spec>', '!!' == CWD = GBS_SYSTEM_PATH Default=! |
| subsystem string scalar optional | SubSystem: '-' == none, '.' or '' == current Default= |
| component string scalar optional | Component: '-' == none, '.' or '' == current Default= |
| build string scalar optional | Build: '-' == none, '.' or '' == current Default=. |
| audit string scalar optional | Audit: '-' == none, '.' or '' == current Default=. |
| tool string scalar optional | Toolt: '-' == none, '.' or '' == current Default=. |
| execute_command string scalar mandatory | (GBS-)Command to execute. 'none' = OK Default= |
| rel string scalar optional | Specific GBS release. You can also specify 'cur' or 'current' Default=. |
<system_spec> = - | AND | <subsystem> |
<system_spec> = - | AND | <component> |
<subsystem> = - | AND | <component> |
| gbs_command string scalar mandatory | GBS command. e.g.: gbsbuild Default= |
| gbs_command_args string array optional | GBS command args, including --options Default= |
| count_lines boolean scalar optional | Count lines in src, inc and loc Default=0 |
| create_stats boolean scalar optional | Create the HTML Statistics Default=1 |
| view_index boolean scalar optional | View index in HTML browser Default=1 |
| component string scalar optional | Component: '' == ASK, '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| build string scalar optional | Build: '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| audit string scalar optional | Audit. '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| create_new_component boolean scalar optional | Create a new Component Default=0 |
| delete_component boolean scalar optional | Delete a Component Default=0 |
| no_cd boolean scalar optional | Do not 'cd' to the selected directories Default=0 |
--new+ | AND | --delete+ or --build or --audit |
--delete+ | AND | --new+ or --build or --audit |
<component> = - | AND | --new+ or --delete+ or --build or --audit |
| system_spec string scalar optional | System: '' == ASK, '-' == none, '.' == current, '!' == CWD, '!<abs_file/dir_spec>', '!!' == current GBS_SYSTEM_PATH Default= |
| subsystem string scalar optional | SubSystem: '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| component string scalar optional | Component: '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| build string scalar optional | Build: '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| audit string scalar optional | Audit: '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| tool string scalar optional | Tool: '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| create_new_system boolean scalar optional | Create a new System Default=0 |
| add_system boolean scalar optional | Add a System to the Systems-List Default=0 |
| remove_system boolean scalar optional | Remove a System from the Systems-List - do not Delete Default=0 |
| delete_system boolean scalar optional | Remove and Delete a System from the Systems-List Default=0 |
| show_systems boolean scalar optional | Show the Systems-List Default=0 |
| execute_command string scalar optional | (GBS-)Command(s) to execute. 'none' = OK Default= |
| no_cd boolean scalar optional | Do not 'cd' to the selected directories Default=0 |
--new+ | AND | --add+ or --remove+ or --delete+ or --show+ or --exec or <subsystem> or --build or --audit or --tool |
--add+ | AND | --new+ or --remove+ or --delete+ or --show+ or --exec or <subsystem> or --build or --audit or --tool |
--remove+ | AND | --new+ or --add+ or --delete+ or --show+ or --exec or <subsystem> or --build or --audit or --tool |
--delete+ | AND | --new+ or --add+ or --remove+ or --show+ or --exec or <subsystem> or --build or --audit or --tool |
--show+ | AND | --new+ or --add+ or --remove+ or --delete+ or --exec or <subsystem> or --build or --audit or --tool |
<system_spec> = - | AND | --new+ or --add+ or --remove+ or --delete+ or --show+ or --exec or <subsystem> or --build or --audit or --tool |
<subsystem> = - | AND | <component> |
<system_spec> | AND | <subsystem> or <component> or --build or --audit or --tool |
| subsystem string scalar optional | SubSystem. '' == ASK, '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| component string scalar optional | Component. '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| build string scalar optional | Build. '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| audit string scalar optional | Audit. '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| create_new_subsys boolean scalar optional | Create a new SubSystem Default=0 |
| delete_subsys boolean scalar optional | Delete a SubSystem Default=0 |
| no_cd boolean scalar optional | Do not 'cd' to the selected directories Default=0 |
--new+ | AND | <component> or --delete+ or --build or --audit |
--delete+ | AND | <component> or --new+ or --build or --audit |
<subsystem> = - | AND | --new+ or --delete+ or <component> or --build or --audit |
| build string scalar optional | Build: '' == ASK, '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| create_new_build boolean scalar optional | Create a new Build Default=0 |
| remove_build boolean scalar optional | Remove a Build from the Builds List Default=0 |
| delete_build boolean scalar optional | Delete a Build Default=0 |
--new+ | AND | --remove+ or --delete+ |
--remove+ | AND | --new+ or --delete+ |
--delete+ | AND | --new+ or --remove+ |
| audit string scalar optional | Audit: '' == ASK, '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| create_new_audit boolean scalar optional | Create a new Audit Default=0 |
| remove_audit boolean scalar optional | Remove an Audit from the Audits List Default=0 |
| delete_audit boolean scalar optional | Delete an Audit Default=0 |
--new+ | AND | --remove+ or --delete+ |
--remove+ | AND | --new+ or --delete+ |
--delete+ | AND | --new+ or --remove+ |
| tool string scalar optional | Tool: '' == ASK, '-' == none, '.' == current Default= |
| create_new_tool boolean scalar optional | Create a new Tool Default=0 |
| remove_tool boolean scalar optional | Remove a Tool from the Tools List Default=0 |
| delete_tool boolean scalar optional | Delete a Tool Default=0 |
--new+ | AND | --remove+ or --delete+ |
--remove+ | AND | --new+ or --delete+ |
--delete+ | AND | --remove+ or --new+ |
| command string scalar mandatory choice: edit uninstall | GBS command to execute Default= |
| command_args string array optional | Arguments for <command Default= |
| what string scalar optional choice: ? subsys comp component build audit tool find search | Specify Default= |
| what_args string array optional | 'what'-dependent Default= |
(GBS_) FLAGS_* |
| test_mode boolean scalar optional | Run in test-mode - Internal use Default=0 |
| install_root string scalar optional path: syntax check only | Install-Root. Remembered Default= |
| quiet_mode boolean scalar optional | Run in Quiet-Mode (No prompts) Default=0 |
| setup boolean scalar optional | Call gbssetup after install. Not if Multi-User. Remembered Default= |
| site string scalar optional word: Min. length = 3 Max. length = 20 | Default Site. Remembered and passed to gbssetup Default= |
| log_root string scalar optional path: syntax check only | Default Log-Root. Passed to gbssetup. Not if Multi-User. Default= |
| quiet_mode boolean scalar optional | Run in Quiet-Mode (No prompts) Default=0 |
| site string scalar optional word: Min. length = 3 Max. length = 20 | Default Site Default= |
| log_root string scalar optional path: syntax check only | Default Log-Root Default= |
| files string scalar optional | Files to process or directory in case of -r Default= |
| test boolean scalar optional | test only - do not make modifications Default=0 |
| recurse boolean scalar optional | recurse directory looking for -f= files Default=0 |
| wild_files string array optional | wild-card files to process Default= |
| modulo integer scalar optional | The TAB size the file was created with Default=8 |
| smart_tabs boolean scalar optional | retab leading whitespace (modulo 8) Default=0 |
fixeol files...
| string array mandatory | Files to be fixed Default= |
| command_or_commandsfile string scalar mandatory | Rename/Delete Command or @filespec of file containing Rename/Delete Commands Rename/Delete Command: <delim><find><delim><replace><delim>[g|r][i] - g = glob rename (default) - r = Perl regular expression rename - i = ignore case of search string Empty <replace> deletes the file commandsfile: Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored Default= |
| files string scalar optional | (wild-)Files and.or Dirs to process Default= |
| test boolean scalar optional | test only - do not make modifications Default=0 |
| recurse string array optional | recurse direcory using comma-separated wild files Default= |
| recurse_group string array optional | recurse direcory using comma-separated file-groups. e.g.: perl Default= |
| rexexp_or_file string scalar mandatory | Perl regexp or @filespec of file containing Perl regexps regexp-file: Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored Default= |
| files string scalar optional | (wild-)Files and.or Dirs to process Default= |
| word boolean scalar optional | find word (no regexp) Default=0 |
| begin boolean scalar optional | find begin word (no regexp) Default=0 |
| end boolean scalar optional | find end word (no regexp) Default=0 |
| any boolean scalar optional | find any (no regexp) Default=0 |
| ignore_case boolean scalar optional | ignore case of search string Default=0 |
| print_linenr boolean scalar optional | print linenumber Default=1 |
| before_context integer scalar optional | print <num> lines of leading context Default=0 |
| after_context integer scalar optional | print <num> lines of trailing context Default=0 |
| context integer scalar optional | print <num> lines of output context (-A=<num> and -B=<num>) Default=0 |
| recurse string array optional | recurse direcory using comma-separated wild files Default= |
| recurse_group string array optional | recurse direcory using comma-separated file-groups. e.g.: perl Default= |
| supress_msg boolean scalar optional | Suppress non-error messages Default= |
| files string scalar optional | Files to be parsed Default=*.c,*.cpp,*.oc,*.pl,*.pm |
win2unix files...
| string array mandatory | Files to convert Default= |
| command_or_commandsfile string scalar mandatory | Replace Command or @filespec of file containing Replace Commands Replace Command: <delim><find><delim><replace><delim>[w|b|e|a|r][i] - w = find word, b = find begin word, e = find end word - a = find any, r = find Perl regular expression - i = ignore case of search string - \s in replace string is converted to single space commandsfile: Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored Default=1 |
| files string scalar optional | (wild-)Files and.or Dirs to process Default= |
| test boolean scalar optional | test only - do not make modifications Default=0 |
| recurse string array optional | recurse direcory using comma-separated wild files Default= |
| recurse_group string array optional | recurse direcory using comma-separated file-groups. e.g.: perl Default= |
wsudo [ command_sequence ]
| string array opional | Command(s) to be executed If omitted a CMD Window will be started in Elevated Mode. |
grep --help
egrep --help
agrep --help
tail --help
touch --help
which --help
cp --help
find --help
gawk --help
make --help
rm --help
sed --help
tar --help