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GBS Release Notes - Release 2 Bottom Doc. Button

Release Notes for GBS 2.00 (Deprecated - not complete) Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Blank

GBS 2.00 is not backwards compatible!

Release Notes for GBS 2.05 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Interface changes since 2.04 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

The following must be implemented before switching to this version.
  1. Upgraded to the last build of GBS 2.04 (2011-09-01)
  2. Performed an 'Upgrade from previous release' (gbsmaint 7 9)
The following major changes were implemented:
  1. None

Build 2.05: 2012-06-20 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsxref: GUI Theme changed due to use of Tkx
  2. gbsxref: Minimum window now smaller
  3. GBS is now distributed a version per customer
    The version contains the customer's company name
    This name is shown during startup, logfiles and generated html-files.
  4. GBS startup: Now shows the GBS banner.
  5. gbswhich: Checks and shows existence of GBSEXT_*_DIR directories.
  6. gbsshow (gbs): New option: '--brief'
    New layout
  7. gbssws (sws): Now call gbsshow with --brief
  8. gbsswc (swc): Now call gbsshow with --brief
  9. gbsswt (swt): Now call gbsshow with --brief
  10. Improved layout of generated HTML files (Audit & Silo)
  11. gbsaudit: QAC & QAC++: Improved 'missing license' handling
  12. Support for QAC 8.00 and QAC++ 2.5
  13. gbssysgen, gbssysmake and gbssysaudit: At completion a Notify window is always displayed, even if Perl Tkx is not available (if not disabled)

Problems solved

  1. GBS does not depend anymore on the separate Perl package Tk (PerlTk).
    It now uses Tkx, which is standard since Perl 5.10.
    Hence it is not necessary anymore to install the PerlTk package separately.
  2. Warning: "Use of qw(...) as parentheses is deprecated " in Perl 5.14 solved.
  3. Use of Subversion 1.7 caused 'Use of uninitialized value $repos_root in regexp compilation..' warning.
    Caused by change in output layout of svn. Solved.
  4. system.gbs: Platform sensitive SCMS added.

Release Notes for GBS 2.04 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Interface changes since 2.03 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

The following must be implemented before switching to this version.
  1. Upgraded to the last build of GBS 2.03 (2010-10-14)
  2. Performed an 'Upgrade from previous release' (gbsmaint 7 9)
The following major changes were implemented:
  1. Perl version must be at least V5.10.01

Build 2.04: 2011-08-29 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. None

Problems solved

  1. gbshelp: Perl Install Documentation updated
    (@INC bug with directories starting with '5')
  2. gbssysgen: Solved 'Cannot delete logfile' problem
  3. gbssetup: Properly implement GBS_BASE_PATH

Release Notes for GBS 2.03 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Interface changes since 2.02 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

The following must be implemented before switching to this version.
The following changes were implemented:
  1. Audit output directories must exist and be in Version Control.
    Starting 2.03, gbsaudit will skip a Component if .../aud/audit/target does not exist.
    You can already use gbsmaint to add these directories
  2. gbsmakemake: Files in the sysgen/makemake_stubs directory must have been moved to the sysgen/makemake_stubs/ALL directory.
  3. sysgen.gbs: 'RECUR' was already obsolete. Will become an error.
  4. New mandatory directories have been introduced (e.g.: systools and silo). You should run gbsmaint 8: Check/Fix Directory structure.
  5. audit.gbs The MAINT entry has become obsolete for QAC and QAC++, you should remove it (them)
  6. export.gbs: to-base RES: replaced by RESSUB:
  7. EnvVar format for SCM-tools has changed from 'GBS_scm_BIN' to 'GBSEXT_scm_DIR'
  8. Startup mechanism change.
    gbs (gbsinit) is now started via [.gbs]gbsinit
    gbsstart is now started via [.gbs]gbsstart
    You will have to change any reference to $GBS_SCRIPTS/gbsstartup in our IDE and/or scripts
    Win32: Registry is not used anymore for saving GBS EnvVars. You can (should) remove all present GBS_ settings
  9. QAC and QAC++: audit.gbs now must be defined as follows:
        .plugin qac
        .include <audit.gbs>
        .plugin qacpp
        .include <audit.gbs>
  10. switch.gbs (QAC): Now needs GBSEXT_QAC_REL and GBSEXT_QAC_DIR
  11. switch.gbs (QAC++): Now needs GBSEXT_QACPP_REL and GBSEXT_QACPP_DIR
Note that this release requires at least Perl 5.8.8. Preferably

Build 2.03: 2010-10-14 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. wordrep: multiple replace commands can now be specified in commands-file

Problems solved

  1. None

Build 2.03: 2010-06-10 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. None

Problems solved

  1. The whole gbshelp was revised.
    Many thanks to Martin Smits who spent may hours (days) meticulously revising the document, checking for inconsistencies, unclearities and typos.

Build 2.03: 2010-03-15 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsexport: Added support for (msi) installer create programs
    export.gbs: New from_base: INSTALL. Specifies execution of installer create program
    Pruning is now performed before replicate
  2. gbsexport:
    Exported directories are now created with mode: u=rwx,go=rx,o=x
    Exported files are now created with mode: ugo:r
    export.gbs: Directory/File permissions can now be altered (chmods)

Problems solved

  1. export.gbs: Target_Line_Selector did not work properly (deleted all non-targets)
  2. gbsgen: The $1 was not expanded properly in the MAP YES => options on Unix.

Build 2.03: 2009-09-02 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsmaint 8: (Fix/Check directory structure) will now give a message when there is no SCMS
  2. Added system.gbs help page
  3. system.gbs: Implemented stricter checking of values
  4. Added owners.gbs help page
  5. MinGW: Now needs envvar GBSEXT_MINGW_GNU_REL in switch.gbs to specify internal GNU-release
  6. File templates for C++ improved (gbsedit)
  7. The Install(.bat/.sh) script now accepts a -q (quiet) flag. It will run the script without human interaction, assuming all defaults to be correct

Problems solved

  1. Problems with user-modified system.gbs file. See above
  2. gbsedit: When creating a .cpp file in the src directory any.c was taken as template-file instead of any.cpp
  3. Fixed and added URL-links in the GBS help files

Build 2.03: 2009-04-20 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. export.gbs Now support file/directory specifications with spaces (yech!).
    All occurrences of %_ (Unix), $_ (Win32) and %20 (all) are replaced by spaces.

Problems solved

  1. File-states not detected properly when using Subversion. This occurs from Subversion release 1.6 where the layout of the status has been changed GBS updated to work with both 1.6 and pre-1.6
  2. gbssilo: Could crash if there were empty lines in file(s)
  3. swr: Did not cleanup EnvVars (GBS_SUBSYS_ROOT) properly when switching to a Root without a current SubSys
  4. gbsexport: Spaces in names did not function properly.

Build 2.03: 2009-03-17 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsscm/scm: New functionality: import
  2. swr: Now gives a warning when there is a GBS-VERSION and GBS-ROOT-VERSION mismatch.
  3. gbsmaint: 6 7 (Upgrade) will now check the dir-structure and set the GBS-ROOT-VERSION to GBS-VERSION.
  4. export.gbs files can now have a Target Line Selector in the destination_line.
  5. gbsstart: Implemented !abs_file/dir
  6. gbsedit now allows for an additional positional parameter for the editor. This enables you to optionally specify a line-nr to jump to (according to the editor syntax).
  7. Prompts for single character input e.g.: Sure? (y/n)[y]: are now in lowercase
  8. gbshelp: Added 'Plugins'
  9. gbshelp: Added 'Integration with other Tools'
  10. gbshelp: Split Customisations in User part and Admin part

Problems solved

  1. Unix: '\atq' sometimes returns rc=1 without known reason. This will now give a warning instead of a GBS Internal Error.
  2. Plugin 'copy_export' now locks the input and output directories.
    This caused the 'INTERNAL-ERROR: No such file or directory'

Build 2.03: 2009-01-22 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. New version
  2. Corrective creation of mandatory directories removed
  3. Audit output directories must exist and be in Version Control.
    gbsaudit will skip a Component if .../aud/audit/target does not exist.
    You can use gbsmaint 7 to add these directories
  4. gbsmakemake: sysgen/makemake_stubs has been removed from search path
  5. sysgen.gbs: 'RECUR' not supported anymore.
  6. export.gbs: 'RES:' replaced by 'RESSUB:'
  7. GBS startup on Win32: the obsolete setup.bat file has been removed. If your DeskTop shortcut cannot find this file then run gbssetup 6 on release 2.02 or re-install GBS

Problems solved

  1. None

Release Notes for GBS 2.02 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Interface changes since 2.01 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

Must be implemented before switching to this version.
  1. Unix scripts must end with '.sh'
  2. The syntax of the GBS_BG_NOTIFIER parameters has changed.
  3. qacrun does not include the PRL substitute system header files anymore.
    If you need them you will have to add the -I in your .via file.
  4. All .gbs* files in the HOME directory are moved to new HOME/.gbs directory
  5. New implementation of Non-GBS SubSystem handling

Planned interface changes for 2.03 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

Must be implemented before switching to that version (in the future).
Following changes can already be implemented. You are urgently advised to do so as soon as possible.
  1. Audit output directories must exist and be in Version Control.
    Starting 2.03, gbsaudit will skip a Component if .../aud/audit/target does not exist.
    You can already use gbsmaint to add these directories
  2. gbsmakemake: Files in the sysgen/makemake_stubs directory must have been moved to the sysgen/makemake_stubs/ALL directory.
  3. sysgen.gbs: 'RECUR' was already obsolete. Will become an error.
  4. New mandatory directories have been introduced (e.g.: systools and silo). You should run gbsmaint 8: Check/Fix Directory structure.
  5. audit.gbs The MAINT entry has become obsolete for QAC and QAC++, you should remove it (them)
  6. export.gbs: to-base RES: replaced by RESSUB:
  7. EnvVar format for SCM-tools has changed from 'GBS_scm_BIN' to 'GBSEXT_scm_DIR'
  8. Startup mechanism change.
    gbs (gbsinit) is now started via [.gbs]gbsinit
    gbsstart is now started via [.gbs]gbsstart
    You will have to change any reference to $GBS_SCRIPTS/gbsstartup in our IDE and/or scripts
    Win32: Registry is not used anymore for saving GBS EnvVars. You can (should) remove all present GBS_ settings
  9. QAC and QAC++: audit.gbs now must be defined as follows:
        .plugin qac
        .include <audit.gbs>
        .plugin qacpp
        .include <audit.gbs>
  10. switch.gbs (QAC): Now needs GBSEXT_QAC_REL and GBSEXT_QAC_DIR
  11. switch.gbs (QAC++): Now needs GBSEXT_QACPP_REL and GBSEXT_QACPP_DIR
Above changes can already be implemented. You are urgently advised to do so as soon as possible.

Build 2.02: 2009-01-14 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsmaint 8: On Unix/Linux you will be prompted for the possibility to set the execute-bit of all .sh files in the GBS WorkArea

Problems solved

  1. gbsmake failed with a FATAL INTERNAL ERROR when 'make' retuned non-zero. It will now exit with an ERROR.

Build 2.02: 2009-01-12 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. audit.gbs (QAC/QAC++): GBS_QAC_FORMAT and GBS_QACPP_FORMAT now supported.
  2. switch.gbs (QAC): Now needs GBSEXT_QAC_REL and GBSEXT_QAC_DIR
  3. switch.gbs (QAC++): Now needs GBSEXT_QACPP_REL and GBSEXT_QACPP_DIR
  4. gbsaudit (QAC/QAC++): Annotated source format standardised and improved.
  5. GBSEXT_pluginname_DIR may now have the value 'PATH', indicating that the PATH mechanism should be used.
    A warning is given if the EnvVar is not defined at all.
  6. gbsaudit 'via' files (.via and .lnt) are now searched in the order 'target' / 'target_plugin_name' first in $GBS_ROOT/sysgen/$GBS_AUDIT and then in GBS_SCRIPTS/plugins/$GBS_AIUDIT directories.
  7. gbsstats: New option: --lines (bool) to count the lines in the files in specific directories (src, inc, loc, ect)
  8. gbssysaudit, gbssysgen and gbssysmake: .sum information is now also appended to a file in the silo directory
  9. gbssilo: Now also generates an overview of gbssys... runs
  10. The Install script will not delete obsolete files that have the HIDDEN attribute set (Win32 only).
  11. gbsmaint: Check/Fix Directory Structure: Much faster due to new state pre-fetch functionality in SVN plugin. Other CM plugins may follow

Problems solved

  1. GBS_HOME was gone
  2. Repair multiple files status checking for SVN (and make it faster - no network access)
  3. gbssetup: Created invalid DeskTop shortcut.

Build 2.02: 2008-11-28 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. flags.gbs: Options containing spaces and quotes will not be placed between quotes on the command-line anymore
  2. target.gbs and audit.gbs: No arguments check if command is 'echo'
  3. gbssysaudit: html files are now created in silo/audits.
    gbsaudit still writes html files to GBS_LOG_DIR
  4. audit.gbs: New possible values for GBS_pluginname_FORMAT: NONE, DEFAULT, PRQA and ECLIPSE

Problems solved

  1. gbsaudit did not pick up SYSINCS correctly
  2. Subsystem, Component and Target names may only consist of the characters 'A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _'
    (Was temporarily disabled)
  3. gbsmakemake: Invalid Argument problem

Build 2.02: 2008-11-21 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Password-prompt is now directly via the commandline. (no X-window anymore)
  2. gbssilo: New options: 'create_index' and 'view_index'

Problems solved

  1. Concurrent creation of various files in silo is now guarded by a lock mechanism.

Build 2.02: 2008-10-17 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. On Unix/Linux Mozilla will open in New-Tab instead of New-Window
  2. Internal updates, better error-messages, less messages
  3. Long resulting command lines: The mechanism in Win32 to automatically use the '@' via-file notation to cope with long command lines has been removed.
  4. target.gbs and audit.gbs: New option env_var for INC_FORMAT and SYSINC_FORMAT to implement the via-file option for any builder or auditor that supports this functionality

Problems solved

  1. gbsedit of scope.gbs crashed
  2. Lock and sleep added when staring up the browser. This solves browser-startup problems in Linux

Build 2.02: 2008-10-07 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbssysaudit, gbssysgen and gbssysmake: steps 'ALL' will now FORCE all steps.
  2. gbssysgen and gbsgen: gbsexport now is executed AFTER gbsmakemake.
  3. gbsmaint Set Version Limits: Improved User Interface

Problems solved

  1. gbsmaint Cleanup deleted .svn (and CVS) directories in tmp and silo directories.
  2. Unix/Linux: problem with 'at' jobs

Build 2.02: 2008-10-03 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbssetup: Preparations for GBS 2.03.
    Startup mechanism has been changed.
    gbs (gbsinit) is now started via [.gbs]gbsinit
    gbsstart is now started via [.gbs]gbsstart
    Win32: Registry not used anymore for saving GBS EnvVars. Mechanism is now same as for unix: [.gbs].gbs_profile
    The 'old' way of startup will keep functioning until you run gbssetup 6.
  2. Unix/Linux: Implemented detection of not-sourcing .sh files that need to be 'sourced'
  3. gbsstart: Now allows --exec=none

Problems solved

  1. gbswhich did not expand Target EnvVars when searching for a file. (e.g.: gbswhich windows.h .c)
  2. gbssetup: Could not specify a file_spec surrounded with quotes and some more minor problems concerning user-interface

Build 2.02: 2008-09-25 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsedit: If a file does not exist you will always be prompted for permission to create.
  2. gbsaudit, gbssysaudit, gbsgen, gbssysgen, gbsmake, gbssysmake: now accept the --job option. This option specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs within a submit. Default and 0 will result in 2 parallel jobs.
  3. gbsaudit: In the Annotated Source error messages are shown in red and message-navigation has been extended with 'top', 'previous' and 'bottom'.

Problems solved

  1. None

Build 2.02: 2008-09-22 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. No support anymore for Microsoft Visual Studio .dsp files
  2. Wild-cards are now supported in the target-line-selection mechanism in scope.gbs and glkbt files
  3. gbsedit: You can now specify an edit from a different SubSystem and/or Component. There are now more SubDir possibilities.
  4. Added Include Guards in templates for .h and .hpp files

Problems solved

  1. The scope mechanism did not check wether a Component actually exists

Build 2.02: 2008-09-04 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsmaint: Improved handling of plugins
    gbsfiles: New: '.plugin' directive'
    A possible plugin-path has been included in the search paths of target.gbs, audit.gbs and tool.gbs and as such reduces the number of files that have to be copied to the sysgen/systools directories
  2. Introduced the tool.gbs file
  3. gbswhich: Now also shows GBSEXT_* directories
  4. swr --remove: Now always checks for obsolete Roots

Problems solved

  1. Creation of new Component or SubSystem failed (root in SubSys/Component name)
  2. gbsmaint Problem slowing down gbsmaint 8 (Check/Fix GBS Directory Structure) solved
  3. Repaired problem in gbsaudit causing audit-mixup when there was more than 1 audit installed for 1 src-type
  4. sws --new did not add 'export.gbs' to SCM in non-GBS SubSystems

Build 2.02: 2008-08-19 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. export.gbs:
    to-base RES: replaced by RESSUB: (You may have to change your export.gbs)
    New from-base: SILO: SUB: and GBSEXT_name_DIR:
    Default from-base for GEN is now GBS_SUBSYS_ROOT (Was GBS_GEN_ROOT)
  2. New Help document: .gbs files: General information
  3. Documentation on gbs files updated
  4. EnvVar format for SCM-tools has changed from 'GBS_scm_BIN' to 'GBSEXT_scm_DIR'
  5. gbsaudit: In the HTML Summary File the file legend has been moved to the left, after the source-file-name.
  6. GBS Files - General: added directives .plugin and .exit

Problems solved

  1. gbsexport did not remove obsolete files
  2. gbsexport deleted files with no 'to_dir'
  3. Endless recurse loop in copy_export when output-root did not exist
  4. GBS Files - General: Recursive include of a file is now properly detected

Build 2.02: 2008-08-05 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Plugin 'copy_export' implemented
  2. Improved gbshelp layout
  3. Improved gbssilo layout

Problems solved

  1. None

Build 2.02: 2008-08-01 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsmaint now has a separate menu-entry for Integrator Tools.
    The 'Set version limits' entry has been moved to the Integrator Tools menu.
  2. New entry in Integrator Tools menu: Consolidate (base) Audits.
    This functionality was dedicated to qac/qac++
  3. audit.gbs The MAINT entry has become obsolete for QAC and QAC++, you should remove it (them)

Problems solved

  1. gbswhich would crash if no Audits were present
  2. gbsaudit: HTML link problem fixed.
  3. gbsaudit: HTML '< >' problem fixed.

Build 2.02: 2008-07-28 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Implemented PC-Lint Audit plugin

Problems solved

  1. QAC/QAC++ Incorrect constants-count

Build 2.02: 2008-07-16 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. New mandatory directories introduced: systools, silo and tools.
    You should run gbsmaint 8: Check/Fix Directory structure.
  2. New gbs command: gbssilo
  3. Doxygen support implemented as plugin
  4. New glkb type: glt for test-files
    Specify a test-executable in a .glt file and it will run with STDOUT and STDERR redirected to the output_file.
  5. When exiting a Root (System) with swr all Environment Variables starting with GBSEXT_ are unset.
    (No need to do that anymore in the 'exit' part of switch.gbs)

Problems solved

  1. None

Build 2.02: 2008-07-09 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Template of 'any.glk' extended with 'Control' section
  2. gbsedit of a new steps.gbs now creates a file containing proper references to the available SubSystems
  3. Added Tools Plugin-type
  4. Added doxygen plugin under Tools
  5. Improved STEPS handling
    e.g.: you can now specify AUDITS in STEPS and value of STEPS / AUDITS by be '-' Indicating 'none' or 'non-specific'
  6. the gbssys commands now allow --targets and/or --audits to have the value '-'
  7. The job-completion notification window now displays a red icon when the job terminated with an error

Problems solved

  1. QACAUDIT: Nr of lines per Source and Total were switched!
  2. _gbssetup.bat now prompts for Windows closure

Build 2.02: 2008-xx-xx Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Max size of GBS_SITE increased from 8 to 20
  2. gbsmaint: Audit handling improved
  3. gbswhich: New functionality: gbswhich Component

Problems solved

  1. When gbssetup is called via _gbssetup then gbssetup will wait to close the window.
  2. New SubSystem, Component and Target were nor remembered across sessions

Build 2.02: 2008-06-27 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. audit.gbs: GBS_OPTS changed into GBS_FLAGS

Problems solved

  1. File replication command in Win32 (xcopy) is language sensitive and expects f for file in English, but b in Dutch.
    XCOPY replaced by Win32::CopyFile
  2. gbsaudit always placed a space between -D and value.
    This is now done in qacaudit

Build 2.02: 2008-06-18 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Audit 'base' handling has been formalized and the 'base' files are not extracted/saved anymore
    This is an internal change and has no consequences for the way of working.
  2. Audit output directories (aud/audit/target)will now be added to Version Control.
  3. Audit output directories will now be created and Added to Version Control when a new Component is created.
  4. gbsmaint Now offers functionality to add Audit output directories.
  5. The job-completion notification window now displays text in red when the job terminated with an error
  6. Implemented parallel execution of gbsgen build-steps.
    Note that logging of compilations, etc, may not be the same as the order of startup as steps complete asynchronously
  7. With subversion a check is now made between the information in the .svn directory and the settings in the system.gbs file. You will be warned is there is a mismatch.
  8. gbsedit: The editor is now started as a detached process. This will allow you to keep the editor running. The drawback is that there will be no logging if the starting of the editor fails. To get this logging, define an Environment Variable GBS_DEBUG_PROC=1 and the logfile will be written in the TMP directory and named nohup.out
  9. GLK/B: Improved handling of '=' lines. /def:file_name.def is now handled properly.
    This may mean an update of the mvs_glk.bat file.

Problems solved

  1. gbsexport did not expand EnvVars ($GBS_TARGET) in EXT:

Build 2.02: 2008-04-02 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Command-line options: '--' will stop assuming '--' to be a GBS-option prefix and all following options prefixed with '--' will be passed to underlying application(s) '---' will ignore the rest of the command-line.
  2. swr --new: When selecting Subversion, the Repository-URL will be taken from the .svn directory (it was previously prompted for)

Problems solved

  1. swr --new: Fix Extend to other platform functionality
    (Allow SCM REPOSITORY selection/update)
  2. There was no '####' fail message when non-gbs SubSystems failed
  3. svn: svn:ignore properties were not set correctly (\n)

Build 2.02: 2008-03-21 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. vim is now the default GBS_EDITOR on Linux/Unix (was nedit)
  2. Reduced number of logging messages
  3. Improved layout of logfile (FAIL now recognisable by '#####' block)
  4. gbsmake: Added --r (reverse type)
  5. gbswhich: Added 'PATH'
  6. Added _gbssetup.bat and for initial setup convenience.
    They will appear at the top of the list! :-)
  7. Added --rel=gbs_version to gbsinit ('gbs' at startup) and gbsstart. This allows you to temporary startup a different version of GBS than the default.
    Settings set by gbssetup are not affected.
  8. bgpids: New option '-a'
  9. The obsolete Linux/unix script 'gbs' has been removed from $GBS_SCRIPTS. (use '')

Problems solved

  1. Solved problem with GBS_FLAGS_* being issued double
  2. gbssetup: Solved problem with escape of strings
  3. gbsmake: if --export is specified gbsexport will be executed even if no files were generated.
  4. Proper execution of bgpids on Linux
  5. gbsaudit could crash if CWD not in current src directory

Build 2.02: 2008-03-03 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Large change considering Non-GBS SubSystems.
  2. gbsedit: New: template-files for .sh, .bat and .mk files
  3. target.gbs may now be empty (for pure non-gbs systems)

Problems solved

  1. Not all GBS_..._ROOT EnvVars were set properly for Win32 ('/' instead of '\') after an sws or swc

Build 2.02: 2008-02-21 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Non-gbs SubSystem generation files are renamed from 'gbs...' to 'gbssub...'
  2. 'app' is now a mandatory directory in non-gbs SubSystems.
  3. gbswhich and gbsedit now have the same syntax for specifying files in SubDirs.
  4. gbsmakemake now also includes:
    - .include target.gbs files
    - command-files referred to in target.gbs (1 level deep only)
  5. New fixed directory in makemake_stubs: ALL.
    To be used instead of makemake_subs for generic stubs.
    You are urgently requested to move non-target directories and files from makemake_stubs to makemake_stubs/ALL.
  6. Default GBS_VIEWER on Unix/Linux is now 'less' in xterm window
  7. Unix/Linux: GBS now takes care of proper DISPLAY settings of 'at' and other types of detached jobs.
  8. 'Thumbs.db' added to SkipTypes
  9. Optimised execution of gbssys... jobs (Sub-process depth reduced)

Problems solved

  1. On Linux/Unix: Formatting in columns like in swr did nog get the screen width right and causing it to be set to 100 which gave strange layout.
  2. On Win32: If a path-like EnvVar like %PATH% was used, Perl would crash with an Access-Violation without a issuing a proper message. (Bug in Win32 API long/short name conversion)
  3. target.gbs: Proper handling of GLKB = UNIXLIB
  4. gbsmakemake was not always called correctly in gbssysmake
  5. gbssetup: Did not handle %1% correctly
  6. gbsgenDid not get currencies right when CWD was in different src directory than current scr directory (various types of problems here)
  7. gbsswr on Linux/unix left GBSSWR_RESULT_*.tmp file in $HOME
  8. Solved problem with gbsexport having a $GBS_TARGET in file NAME
  9. Reviewed (part of) documentation removing obsolete items

Build 2.02: 2008-01-23 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbsmaint: Check/Fix Dir Struct: Generally improved. Non_GBS SubSystems are now also checked
  2. gbsexport now takes an export.gbs file on SubSys level for Non_GBS SubSystems
    sws --new and gbsedit adjusted accordingly.
  3. swc --new now gives a formatted list of existing Components
  4. The Install script will now set permissions of directories to rwxr-xr-x, .sh files to r-xr-xr-x and all others to r--r--r--
  5. When a new Target is created a directory with the target-name will be created in tmp.
  6. gbsmaint: Check/Fix Dir Struct: will now check validity of Target directories
  7. swr: Will now fail if switch.gbs or switch.usr set GBS_RC != 0
  8. gbsstart: --exec is now mandatory
  9. gbsmakemake: Files with Excluded file-types not longer displayed.
  10. The html directory in tmp has been renamed to .html

Problems solved

  1. swr --add root will now convert (Win32) root to proper path.
  2. Solved various problems concerning usage of swr --new in a totally new environment
  3. swr: switch.gbs and switch.usr were executed in wrong order
  4. Problems with gbsstart solved
  5. Special characters were not escaped when defining an Environment Variable (Win32, SKIPTYPES)
  6. gbsmaint: Solved problem with SCM in Audit Handling→qac/qacpp→Commit Metrics
  7. gbsmaint: Solved problem with cleanup AUD System and SubSystem
  8. Temporary files are now made unique by including hostname in the name instead of userid.

Build 2.02: 2007-11-12 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbssysgen, gbssysmake and gbssysaudit: added --wait functionality
  2. Improved gbsscm layout
  3. Improved gbsstart performance
  4. gbsmaint: New function: Fix 'ignore property' for Subversion directories
  5. When creating SVN directories the 'ignore' property is set properly
  6. Install: Install-directory is now remembered in .gbs
  7. gbsmaint: Fix: Optionally delete illegal files/directories
  8. gbsscm: Added: Select. Removed: Create, GetWa and Mkroot
  9. swr --new: New System-root must exist and be under SCM control
  10. Support VisualSourceSafe version 8

Problems solved

  1. Solved dump in gbsmakemake while trying to read non-existent generated include file
  2. If 'steps.gbs' did not exist, the generation was not started.
  3. wordrep did not handle i option correctly
  4. gbssetup: Win32 Startup icon was not set properly
  5. Very long internal command-lines could crash without notice
  6. gbsedit: header-files were not created using template.
  7. GBS_LOG_DIR did not accept spaces when defined outside gbssetup
  8. 'Install' did not copy Command Prompt Icon
  9. incs_*.gbs Files: Environment-variable replacement was not handled properly
  10. swr --new: Allow spaces in SVN repository URL
  11. swr --new: $GBS_ROOT/sysgen/makemake_stubs was not created
  12. sws --new: Possible Current Component caused gbsnew to malfunction with ERROR

Build 2.02: 2007-08-13 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. All .gbs* files in the HOME directory are moved to new HOME/.gbs directory
  2. New: Install functionality
  3. On Win32 the 'beep' is now a sound (.wav) file, so the volume can be adjusted
  4. swr: --remove / --add: prompt for deletion of obsolete Roots in Roots-List
  5. swt: --remove changed to swt --delete
  6. gbsmaint: cleanup functions extended with 'cleanup ALL', cleanup EXPORT and cleanup RES
  7. Cleanup-functions streamlined to give same look-and-feel
  8. target.gbs: GBS_SYSGEN_ROOT added to COMMAND search-path
  9. gbsmaint: Administrator functions now in separate menu
  10. gbsmaint: Added 'Set GBS Version Limits'
  11. glkb files now accept lines starting with '^', specifying: as-is, without leading '^'

Problems solved

  1. Internal switch of Target displayed the old instead of the new Target
  2. Unresolved EnvVars caused 'use of undefined variable' in error-display of inc_*.gbs files
  3. gbsexport: export.gbs files of non-generating Components (no bld/$GBS_TARGET) were not taken into account, causing files to be deleted wrongly from the destination directories.

Build 2.02: 2007-07-03 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. GBS_SITE now properly implemented in template of switch.gbs
  2. audit.gbs now supports INIT entry with SET to setup envvars
  3. 'audit' en 'gen' scripts now moved to 'plugins' directory

Problems solved

  1. Changing the current Target inside as script did not work well with Target search-path
  2. Notify and HTML-browser (gbsaudit) are now run as truly detached processes on Win32

Build 2.02: 2007-06-28 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. css and image files for HTML output (gbsaudit) are now copied to the GBS_TMP_ROOT directory and are used from there.
    This facilitates having relative urls and thus solve the security restrictions imposed my Internet Explorer which do not allow file-inclusion from a different drive.
    Note that logfiles must still be on same drive!
  2. QAC/QAC++ Summary: Metrics: Data of functions with no lines is now skipped.
    This results in the removal of lower bound warning messages like CYC < 1.
  3. gbsexport: You can now also export from the EXT to the EXPORT directory

Problems solved

  1. Changing the current Target inside a command could make certain commands like gbsbldaudit crash
  2. On Unix display of the Notify message was delayed in gbssysaudit because the startup of the HTML display was not created as a proper detached job.
    This meant that a slot was kept occupied in the batch queue as long as the job had an open window.

Build 2.02: 2007-06-07 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. target.gbs: @-COMMANDs are now searched via .include path.
  2. bld_incs_*.gbs and bld_flags_*.gbs are now also searched via the .include path of the target.gbs
  3. target.gbs: Secondary out-types and opt-out-types had to start with a '.' (dot) now must contain a '.'.

Problems solved

  1. Allow commandline on WinXP to be 8190 chars (was 2000 chars).
    On other versions of Win32 the max commandline size is 2046 characters.

Build 2.02: 2007-04-06 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. gbssys... commands now create a $GBS_LOGFILE.err file containing info on all the files that generated with an error.
    The contents of the file is also appended in the .log file.
  2. gbsmaint: Creation of Generate/Bld/Audit directories implemented

Problems solved

  1. Repaired swr --remove for Win32
  2. Repaired error in gbsstart with twice --targets= or targets-comma-list

Build 2.02: 2007-03-27 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. target.gbs: Implemented P_COMMAND
  2. Implemented gbscmd.bat file for MSwin
  3. .gbs files: All error/warning messages also give line number.
  4. .gbs files: Continuation ( \) works for all files.
  5. .gbs files: You will now receive a warning when using a .usr file.
  6. steps.gbs now gives a warning if not all SubSystems are named in STEPS.
  7. UserInterface: Added 'more'-type of functionality when displaying long lists on screen

Problems solved

  1. .gbs files: .usr file without a .gbs file is now also valid
  2. gbsmakemake did not specify .usr file in make-file (only .gbs)
  3. qac/qacpp audit left a temp file in the tmp-directory
  4. gbssetup did not redefine GBS_SCRIPTS envvar when changing GBS_REL

Build 2.02: 2007-03-14 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. New internal design UserInterface
  2. UserInterface: You can now always enter '?' to get help.
    (But help not always provided...)

Problems solved

  1. Repaired Registry problems in gbssetup
  2. .h files were not recognised as valid files for non-src directory
  3. Some minor problems

Build 2.02: 2007-02-28 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. New command: gbssetup

Problems solved

  1. gbsedit: Error in 'unknown src type' repaired
  2. 'swr --add' did not recognise added roots (invalid index)
  3. Repaired mistake that sometimes caused commands to exit with rc=0 after an error occurred.

Build 2.02: 2007-02-20 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. You will now get a warning if an src-file contains white-space and the file will be skipped for generation/make/audit
  2. Component-names may not contain '.' and ALL, RES and EXPORT are now reserved.
  3. The GBS_BG_NOTIFIER will now also be executed after submit of all jobs.
    Note different layout!
  4. qacsummary: Warning Message Summary: level9 are now red.

Problems solved

  1. None

Build 2.02: 2007-02-13 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. target.gbs: New 'INIT' section that allows you to set EnvVars
  2. target.gbs: New allowed value for 'MODE': PROFILING
  3. sysgen.gbs: 'RECUR' entry is now obsolete
  4. sysgen.gbs: 'VALUE' that enables assigning of values to names

Problems solved

  1. None

Build 2.02: 2007-02-09 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. More efficient execution of gbsstart, new defaults, mandatory --exec
  2. Implemented 'GBS_BEEPS' to disable beeps
  3. Allow spaces in some root directory specifications
  4. Allow *.sln and *.vcproj in Component directory (gbsmaint→CheckDir)
  5. swt --new now guarded for Administrator privilege
  6. Allow 'dat' SubDir to have subdirectories

Problems solved

  1. Bug preventing opt/target/flags_*.gbs to be seen
  2. qacaudit did not pass flags_*.gbs properly
  3. gbsmaint→CheckDir marked audit directories 'not under scms'

Build 2.02: 2007-01-25 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. All error-messages from reading .gbs files have the same format now.
  2. Added flags_*.gbs and incs_*.gbs documentation
  3. Number of 'beeps' reduced to once per command.
    Streamlined format of error/warning messages (not entirely complete).
  4. gbssysaudit now allows multiple --files options
  5. --files now also possible for gbssysgen and gbssysmake
  6. 'Root-version' removed from gbsshow
  7. --new removed from gbsstart
  8. --exec implemented in gbsswr (swr)

Problems solved

  1. gbsscm: 'remove' with svn gives error-message:
    svn: Local, non-commit operations do not take a log message
  2. Running QAC/QAC++ on different platform caused error:
    AUDIT_ID-file not found

Build 2.02: 2007-01-11 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. None. Equal to 2.01 [2007-01-11]

Problems solved

  1. None

Important Notice. UNIX Only

In the next release all Unix scripts must end with '.sh'.
This is already supported in releases 2.00 (last version) - 2.02. So you can already start renaming.
Files affected are:
  1. Code tree:
  2. Commands:
  3. Central Installation of GBS:

Release Notes for GBS 2.01 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Build 2.01: 2007-01-11 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

New/Changed Functionality

  1. This release requires at least Perl 5.8.8. Preferably

Problems solved

  1. None

Release Notes for GBS 2.00 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Build 2.00: 2007-01-11 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Documentation: New Release-Notes layout (yes, that is what you are reading now)
  2. Unix command 'which' now available in MSWindows
  3. Implement GBS_PERL_PATH to allow selection of a specific version of Perl
  4. Unix scripts now have extension .sh

Problems solved

  1. SCM for Synergy did not find the password script when called from qac/qac++
  2. swr --new: snv always assumed 'trunk' before the workarea

Build 2.00: 2006-12-22 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Documentation: Enhanced TOC Layout

Problems solved

  1. PR VDO: Use of uninitialized variable when giving error message in target.gbs for last SRC
  2. swr --remove removed all entries with same name.

Build 2.00: 2006-11-17 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. New command: gbsstats

Problems solved

  1. PR VDO: Wrong task was selected with Synergy functionality

Build 2.00: 2006-11-13 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. CR VDO: command --h and --help now return status OK
  2. CR PDSL: Do not require SVN-root to be 'trunk'
  3. CR Various: Force full switch functionality in swr, even if root is not changed
  4. CR PDSL: Invert selected line in gbsxref
  5. GBS_APP_* and OPTIONS are now displayed in gbswhich
  6. Obsolete command gbsdosbox removed. Replaced by gbsstart
  7. Various internal cleanup

Problems solved

  1. Repair bug in swr --remove (perl-error)
  2. PR VDO: Solve crash in (gbsmakemake) ('cannot open file').
    (not reproducible, but I hope this helps)
  3. PR VDO: gbsmaint: Check/Fix GBS Directory Structure: Allow incs_*.gbs files in opt and opt/target
  4. PR VDO: Repair 'uninitialized value' in cleanup of Component bld
  5. PR GBS: Repair 'no default root' in swr
  6. PR PDSL: skiptypes was not properly set at initial swr
  7. PR VDO: gbsedit did not recognize .usr files
  8. PR GBS: 'notify' did not run as a truly detached job under Unix (kept queue slot occupied until removed)
  9. PR PDSL: Fix gbsxref for new gbsmakemake

Build 2.00: 2006-10-11 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. --l (logfilename) removed from gbssys* commands
  2. Internal update to prevent unnecessary reads of target.gbs
  4. Non-GBS SubSystems: set cd to subsys directory before executing commands

Problems solved

  1. PR VDO: Cleanup BLD for multiple targets does not work properly
  2. PR VDO: Problems with multisession startup of Synergy (again)

Build 2.00: 2006-10-08 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. Subsystems switch.gbs now obsolete and not called anymore
  2. target.gbs: INCLUDE_INC implemented
  3. PR VDO: gbsmakemake must check existence of source files when object-files are included.
    gbsmakemake must fail in case of not-existing source-files.
    Implement sysgen/makemake_stubs directory to facilitate this
  4. target.gbs: added include-re and comment_re to TYPE

Problems solved

  1. PR VDO: Problems with multisession startup of Synergy
  2. PR VDO: case should be checked when specifying args to sws and swc

Build 2.00: 2005-03-11 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Up Chapter Button

New/Changed Functionality

  1. GBS_BASE (gbs_base.ini) now fixed name and location: $HOME/.gbsdb
    Env-var GBS_BASE now obsolete.
  2. Selective use of Environment Variables in gbs commands
    Documentation now show which Environment Variables are enabled.
  3. qacaudit modified. GBS_QAC_COMMAND and GBS_QACPP_COMMAND now needed.
  4. gbssubgen, gbssubmake and gbssubaudit removed.
    Use gbssysgen, gbssysmake or gbssysaudit with single SubSystem name.
  5. fillexport and fillres commands replaced by gbsexport
    Copy now dependent on presence of export and/or res/SubSystem directory
  6. log-file names now contain date/time
  7. UNIX scripts are now executed in Bourne-Again-shell enabling easy execution under Linux
    The 'steps' part has been moved to a separate file: steps.gbs
    The 'target' parts have been moved to target.gbs in the sysgen Target directories
    The 'audit' parts have been moved to audit.gbs in the sysgen Audit directories
    Format completely changed
  9. Implement GBS_XTITLE tot be able to set the window-text to reflect the GBS currencies
  10. Redesign of the syntax of all .gbs files.
  11. Target-selective scope.
  12. Target-selective glkb.
  13. ALIAS added to STEPS.
  14. In glkb: #include replaced by .include
  17. New command gbsedit
  18. gbsexport only executed if bld directory contains current Target directory

Release Notes for GBS 1.00 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Build 1.00: 2003-11-07 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

New/Changed Functionality

  1. New submit mechanism creates .sum file besides the .log file.
  2. Implemented Component-specification in generate, make and audit commands: gbsgen/gbsmake/gbsaudit *:*.*
  3. gbsmakemake now possible for single Component(s)
  4. You can now specify options beginning with '/' in a Windows environment
  5. New command: gbslocate.
    Can be used in scripts to locate a file in a set of specified directories
    In Unix it must be 'sourced' with dot.
    syntax: . gbslocate env_name file prefix prefixdir [ prefixdir ]...
    The found file-spec will be placed in the env. variable env_name
  6. Added the opt sub-directory in Component.
    To be used to contain flags_type.gbs, ext_includes.gbs and ext_libaries.gbs files local to a Component.
    This means that flags_type.gbs files in the Component directories must be moved to Component/opt or Component/opt/target directories!!!
  7. New Manual Page: Generating Code
    Here an explanation is given about file-specifications and how compilation-flags and include-paths are handled.
  8. Added standard option --inc file-name to all command-line interfaces.
    This 'includes' a file as if the contents was specified on the command-line.
  9. gbsmake has been changed as to generate a list of files to be re-generated and then call gbsgen once.
    This gives a significant improvement on the generation performance.
    In a ClearCase environment the clearmake option -T ( or -F) must be used in order to let clearmake behave properly.
  10. Removed ClearCase dedication (GBS_CC NEW_VIEW functionality does not work with LSF) and was a pain anyway (implementation-wise)
    New Manual Page Customization shows settings for using ClearCase and LSF
    LSF and ClearCase functionality must now be combined in GBS_SUBMIT Any SCMS dependency can now only be found in the '' module.
  11. New functionality 'upgrade' in gbsmaint.
    Allows upgrade from 0.9 to 1.00 by fixing 'opt' directories, moving flags files from Component directory to 'opt' and removing wildcards from export.gbs files.
  12. Multiple output-file-types can now be specified in sysgen.gbs.
    This is done by binding them with '&'.
    gbsmakemake will now also cater for multiple targets.
    Refer to Sysgen Manual Page for more information.
  13. New command gbsbldaudit
    Checks if all src-files were built
  14. New command gbswhich
    Shows GBS search-paths and GBS flags and/or
    Searches a file using the GBS search-path.
  15. Components in glb/glk files are now checked against scope.
  16. In prompts: Long lists are now split into multiple columns
  17. Added creation of standard target scripts in swr --new and gbsmaint
  18. Replaced qac/qacpp commands by generic gbsaudit/gbssubaudit/gbssysaudit commands.
  19. Added creation of standard audit scripts in gbsmaint: qac and qacpp
  20. Added Audit specific tasks execution in gbsmaint
  21. gbsmaint: Added upgrade for qac and qacpp directories to audit/qac and audit/qacpp
  22. gbsmaint can now be invoked with a single argument denoting the main-menu entry to be executed.
  23. New format and maintenance of owners file.
    New owners function: Synchronise file
  24. Standard Target-scripts can now be selected from a 'scripts-repository' when a new Target is created. (and with gbsmaint)
    Unix: gnu and standard unix
    Win32: DJGPP, Winn32 and Microsoft Visual Studio
  25. Files to be ignored in the src directory can now be specified in sysgen.gbs
  26. The layout of sysgen.gbs: ptype has been changed:
    There is now the possibility to specify that absolute paths must be generated for Include paths and Library paths
  27. glk will now interpret a Microsoft .dsp file if it is included with #include
  28. Diff implemented in qac and qacpp.
    This allows comparing the current analysis with a previous accepted one.
  29. gbssubaudit and gbssysaudit now accept --files=*.c for selective auditing
  30. Documentation partly converted to HTML
    New command: gbshelp
    Manual Pages converted to HTML and now accessible via gbshelp
  31. gbsaudit Audit and Summary files are now HTML
    qacaudit and qacsum now output HTML
  32. Batch commands now notify the user when ready with a pop-up window also allowing immediate view of logfile.
  33. New non-GBS command fixeol
    Changes the line-endings of a file to that of the current Operating System
  34. Allow --i for fillexport, fillres and gbsmakemake
  35. Complete redesign of gbs, swr, sws, swc and swt commands, new commands gbsstart and gbsshow
  36. gbsgen and gbsmake now accept options --fe, --fr and --mm allowing immediate execution of fillexport, fillres and/or makemake
  37. fillexport does not accept wildcards anymore. Allowing wildcards can compromise the consistency of the build. (Not complaining about missing files).
    fillexport now also replaces $GBS_BLD_intype in export.gbs files with the proper Target-dependent extension
  38. gbsxref Cross-Reference Utility Implemented

Release Notes for GBS 0.9 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button

Build 0.90: 2003-01-17 Bottom Doc. Button Top Document Button Down Section Button Up Section Button Down Chapter Button Blank

New/Changed Functionality

  1. GBS will now stop generation when an error is found.
    This is valid for all gbsgen/make commands ('plain', sub and sys)
    To prevent stopping the generation the --i (ignore errors) switch must be used.
  2. GBS_SUBMIT Environment Variable introduced to enable LSF functionality.
  3. QAC/QAC++ commands now follow standard GBS-naming convention and functionality.
    The following commands were renamed:
    qacrungbsqac gbsqacpp
    qacsubgbssubqac gbssubqacpp
    qacsysgbssysqac gbssysqacpp
  4. QAC/QAC++ now delivers statistics per File, Component, SubSystem and System.
  5. QAC/QAC++ handling redesigned to run on both Unix and WinNT/2000, separate from 'cadenv' environment.
    New Environment Variables:
    - GBS_QAC_ROOT location of project personality files
    - GBS_QAC_DIR location of qac1 and qac2 commands (default = QAC_HOME)
    - GBS_QACPP_ROOT location of project personality files
    - GBS_QACPP_DIR location of qac++1 and qac++2 (default = QACPP_HOME)
  6. gmaint renamed to gbsmaint
  7. New functionality in gbsmaint:
    a. Cleanup BLD-directories per Target
    b. Cleanup QAC directories
    c. Cleanup QAC++ directories d. Cleanup TMP directories
  8. ccclean functions now properly implemented in gbscleanup
  9. In sysgen.gbs and in GBS_BLD_src environment-specifiers the '.' must be included in the file-type.
    e.g. GBS_BLD_GLK=.lku (instead of GBS_BLD_GLK=lku)
  10. GBS now requires QAC 4.5.1 and QAC++ 1.3.2
  11. Must now specify '-new' instead of 'new' when you want to create a new root, subsys, Component or target.
    -remove and -add added to swr command.
  12. 'in' and 'out' types in sysgen.gbs must now specify the full type, including the '.'
  13. Argument 4 in the called generation-function in sysgen.gbs now specifies the output- directory (was: output-base name)
  14. Continuus and Visual Source Safe are now supported
  15. New command gbsscm allows generic execution of simple scms commands like mkdir, ci, co.
  16. makemake now counts all errors/warnings and gives only one beep at the end.

Problems solved

  1. GBS_TARGET=... in a GBS-command now works properly
  2. 'ALWAYS' rules not generated in makemake for missing files
